Determination of the antioxidant activity of hepatoprotective and antimicrobial herbal collections




hepatoprotective collection, antimicrobial collection, antioxidant activity, liver diseases, catarrhal gingivitis, permangоnatometry, spectrophotometry


The article presents the results of a study on the study of the antioxidant activity of both individual components and various combinations of hepatoprotective and antimicrobial preparations. Antioxidant activity was determined by the methods of permangоnatometry and spectrophotometry, where the activity was evaluated by the ability to inhibit the autooxidation of adrenaline. In both methods, quercetin was used as a reference drug. According to the results of the experiment, when determined using the permangоnatometry method, it turned out that only 2 plants that are part of the collections have a more pronounced antioxidant activity relative to quercetin, while all the studied combinations of the collection were superior in activity to the reference drug. When determining the activity by spectrophotometry, it was found that 6 separate components of the hepatoprotective collection and 3 separate components of the antimicrobial collection have a pronounced antioxidant activity, but do not exceed the value of quercetin. The data obtained serve as a justification for the composition of the objects of study.

Author Biographies

I.R. Baimukhametov, Bashkir state medical university (Ufa, Russia)

postgraduate student of the Department of Pharmacognosy with a course of botany and fundamentals of phytotherapy

N.V. Kudashkina, Bashkir state medical university (Ufa, Russia)

Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy Head of the Department of Pharmacognosy with a Course in Botany and Fundamentals of Phytotherapy Professor Kudashkina Natalya Vladimirovna

S.R. Khasanova, Bashkir state medical university (Ufa, Russia)

professor of the department of pharmacognosy with a course of botany and the basics of phytotherapy

S.V. Chuikin, Bashkir state medical university (Ufa, Russia)

MD Professor Head of the Department of Pediatric Dentistry and Orthodontics with a CPD Course


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How to Cite

Yusupova А., Baimukhametov И., Snetkova Э., Kudashkina Н. В., Khasanova С. Р., and Chuikin С. В. “Determination of the Antioxidant Activity of Hepatoprotective and Antimicrobial Herbal Collections”. Traditional Medicine, no. 4(70) 2022, Dec. 2022, pp. 40-43, doi:10.54296/18186173_2022_4_40.


